IRAs were introduced in the mid 70s as a way for working individuals to save for retirement. While some of the rules and regulations governing IRAs have changed over the years, they're still a great way to save.
GSA Federal Credit Union offers two different types of IRA accounts:
- IRA Share Accounts - deposit a little each payday and once you've accumulated $1,000 move it to an IRA Share Certificate.
- IRA Share Certificate - earns a higher dividend yield than our IRA Share Account. Choose a term from six months to 60 months.
Regardless of which way you choose to save, your IRA account is separately insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the federal government.
To open your IRA Share Account or Share Certificate, drop by a GSA Federal Credit Union branch or give us a call at 202-876-2121.
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